Friday, July 27, 2012

Treatment #6 Photo

The little dots are needle marks. I'm thankful for General Anethesia when I see this.
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Trip #6!

I am not a blogger, a writer or a journal person.

Today was Bleomycin trip #6.  As I didn't update #5, here's the highlights from  both:

I see minor improvements with each procedure.  The interventional radiologist (whatshisname??) and I have decided to work from the top down, so focusing on the cheek area first.
They now use gel under the monitor pads to avoid the skin discolouration that can occur with bleomycin and adhesive.  This is good, as I still have faint red circles from Nov. 2011's treatment.

Trip #6, I had a different Interventional Radiologist.  I was out longer and seem to have more needle marks.  

The only lasting side-effect is the skin pigmentation that I have on my left shoulder and upper back.  It looks like tanned scar lines.  Not terribly noticeable, but it's there. It should eventually fade.

I'll post photos later. :)